Who wants to try the real Ćevapi must come to Sarajevo | To Bosnia

Who Wants To Try The Real Ćevapi Must Come To Sarajevo

The world-renowned chef Dirk Hoffmann, with a team of German television Kabel 1, stayed in Sarajevo, and in a television report that he made to the viewers, he showed how to make perfect Ćevapi. “Anyone who wants to try the authentic ćevapi must come to Sarajevo, they say that you can not compare them with ćevapi in Belgrade or Zagreb,” it was stated at the beginning of this TV show. During his stay in Sarajevo, Dirk Hoffmann wanted to reveal all the secrets of cevapi.

Walking along the streets of the old city of Sarajevo, he stopped in front of the ćevabdzinice and asked people about the taste of the ćevapi. He was interested, among other things, whether the cevapi are always eaten with bread.

“Yes, they are always eaten with somun and onions. It’s traditional,” said a group of people who enjoyed the Sarajevo ćevapi. Considering that he learned that kajmak was special side while eating ćevapi, Hoffmann headed for Visoko. Wanting to find out how a real kajmak is made, he visited a workshop in which there are milk containers that after heat exposure will turn into kajmak. Hoffmann saw how the kajmak was made, but did not find out how many times it was necessary to warm the milk. “Heat reduces the milk so that a thick sauce is formed on top. In such a condition, milk must be heated for six hours,” he discovered it and then tried the kajmak.

He was surprised by the fact that kajmak is not cheese, but that it has a very similar taste. During this visit, he went to the ćevabdžinica Ferhatović, who starts working at six o’clock in the morning. He is surprised by the amount of meat that is found there, and after noticing that there are plenty of loaves he concluded that the ćevapi are similar to the hamburger.

He was surprised by the fact that after the fattening of the meat and the addition of salt, each ćevap is shaped manually. Otherwise, in this oven, around 20,000 ćevapa per day are rotated on the grill. Hofmann found out that they put fat on the beads in order to improve his taste and make the somun greasy. After that, in order to see how the somuns were made, he went to one bakery. “Somun are made manually and baked at high temperatures, they are baked at a temperature of 500 degrees and are finished after 30 seconds, after which it should be 10-15 minutes,” he learned.

In the end, he was interested in the name of the ćevapi.

“The name is of Turkish origin and is derived from the word kebab,” Hoffmann found. The annex ended with the conclusion that for three euros you get 250 grams of meat, 10 delicious ćevapi and the whole street smells like this traditional Bosnian dish.

Note: Credit for video go to Facebook page: beckaraja